A more extensive and behind the scenes view on the structure behind Urban Glitch that enabled the collection of user data.
In order to design their proposals the players were handed an abstract building block module that aimed to help them express a spatial intent without having to deal with the specifics of designing a form. There were four specified design categories that derived after surveying the residents of the selected test site. The players were able to switch through these categories and make proposals for every one of them.
Behind the scenes, the cubic modules the players used, worked like votes in a 3D voxel space. These votes were stored in real-time and every player was able to see an abstraction of the overall collective preference, in the form of volumetric regions that were generated by converting the scalar field into a mesh geometry using the marching cubes algorithm.
The collected user data went through additional processsing that relied in distance based smothing of the values on the 3D field, aiming to provide a richer dataset that could be used by architects to design their expert proposals based on the users' spatial hints and preferences.
- Marching cubes implementation.
- Data storing system development.
- Additional data processing.